Reidar Aulie

IMG 7556

Andreas Siqueland
The forbidden forest (late summer)
, 2023
Akryl på lerret / Acrylic on canvas
450 x 1100 cm

Andreas Siqueland has painted large canvases in bold colours to accompany Reidar Aulie's paintings. The organic motifs are divided into fields that can be reminiscent of the draperies hanging in various places in the exhibition. The carpet on the floor picks up the colours from the wall paintings. The intense colours set the mood in the room and highlight the dedication in Reidar Aulie's artworks.

Reidar Aulie was a socially conscious artist who often found his subjects in the working environments of Oslo's east side. He had a strong desire for art to make a difference and, therefore, developed a narrative visual language. Aulie's political views played a significant role in his artistic development and greatly influenced where he drew his professional inspiration. In addition to French artists like Picasso and Chagall, he was also inspired by Mexican Diego Rivera and the new Soviet art he saw in the Kunstnerforbundet in 1930. The themes in Aulie's paintings range from depictions of the challenging living conditions of the working class, as in Rassted (Landslide) to celebrating the joy of life and the small breaks in everyday life, as in the humorous motif Berg og Dalbane (Roller Coaster).

On a freely hanging painting with window muntins, Siqueland has painted the sun repeatedly. It's as if we are looking out of the window and being dazzled by the strong light of the sun. The painting visualizes the optical effect that occurs when the intense light creates sunspots on the retina. The motif seems to emphasize the many strong sensory impressions that characterize this space in the exhibition.

Reidar Aulie (1904-1977) grew up in Oslo and had a close relationship with the city but also traveled extensively. Christian Krohg helped him gain admission to the National Academy of Arts and became his first teacher. Axel Revold was one of Aulie's teachers at the Academy, and Aulie is considered one of Revold's pupils today. During World War II, he was involved in organizing artists' resistance against the Nazi art policies. In 1958, he became a professor at the National Academy of Arts, and in 1965, he became rector. Aulie illustrated books and also held a central position in Norwegian art life as an art critic. Aulie published the books "Bjarne Ness" (1932) and "Modern Norwegian Painting" (1948).